Jenn she/they
Jenn she/they
Movement Achievements & Highlights

Enjoyed four backpacking trips with friends last summer and only got lost once.

Slowly rebuilt overhead strength after a car accident.

Shut down the dance floor at the Wild Rose, Pride 2023.

Summited Klickitat, Summer 2021.



200 HR Certified Yoga Teacher


Jenn she/they

About Jenn

Jenn enjoys yoga, hiking, backpacking, and paddleboarding. She started coaching in 2021 after embracing her strength training to build endurance to support her joyful movement. Now, she empowers others to redefine their relationship with movement, steering clear of diet culture and perfectionism, guiding them to find joy and comfort in their unique ways of being in their bodies.


For most of my life I related to movement as a required activity, something I didn’t really like but had to do. Whether it was family recommending it to lose weight, doctors prescribing it for my “health,” or coworkers suggesting it to manage a stressful job, movement always fell on the list of things I SHOULD be doing.

It wasn’t until quarantine of 2020 that my relationship with movement shifted. With all my routines disrupted I found myself craving ways to be present in my body and, maybe for the first time, being able to enjoy movement without any rules about how it needed to be. Yoga, hiking, backpacking and paddle boarding all brought me joy during this time. I started strength training mostly to build endurance for these activities and found that I loved lifting heavy things and feeling strong! Today I love supporting other reluctant movers in separating movement from the lies of diet culture and perfectionism, and in finding ways to be in their bodies that feel good to them.