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Ascent Fitness


December 13, 2020

There’s no place like home for your workout…

Ok, we agree -our living rooms are not the ideal place to workout. After all they have been designed for lounging not prone get-ups. So here are our tips for making at home workouts a bit more appealing:

Make a Space.

We recently rearranged our living room with at- home workouts in mind. Maybe you are using your office or bedroom. Is there a way you can rearrange to give yourself a little more space?

 We pushed our couch up to the wall so all we have to move now is a coffee table and we have a good size space to work with. 

Make Set up Easy

Whatever space you choose, tuck your supplies in and make setup as quick as possible.

We tucked our kettlebells in under our end table and tucked our yoga mat behind our couch. In less than 5 minutes we can set up our space for a workout and it doesn’t leave our living room always looking like a workout space.

Change your Environment

You want your set-up to be easy, but it's also important to our minds to have transitions and we often use changes in the environment to do this. 

If your office or bedroom and workout space are the same make sure there is some form of ritual that sets those purposes apart. Leaving the room to fill your water bottle and then coming back to put a yoga mat down and turn the music up can help your mind transition between activities.

Turn Down the Heat

Not only does turning down your thermostat save energy it will make moving around more appealing. You don’t need your house at 62 all the time, but try waiting another hour into the evening to turn it up and save the cozy fireplace for afterwards. If this is not a possibility, open a window in the room you will be moving in. 

Phone a Friend

Working out isn’t always fun by yourself so invite your family and housemates to join you. Or Zoom a friend to do the workout together remotely. Including your family in the workout makes it more fun and then they can’t be distracting you with other things, like watching Schitts creek for the third time. 

Move for Fun

I simply can’t say this enough! If the workout isn’t calling your name find something that is. Maybe that's a walk outside, dancing to music, or an old jane fonda video. Movement is movement and we need it! 

Lower your Expectations

Working out at home is not the same as the gym, but it still has many benefits! Figure out what you can do and do that!

What other at home workout tricks have you developed?

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